Upholstery fabrics and

Fabric, Upholstery

I definitely didn't want to cut too much so I just kept making small cuts and checking until the fabric was able to be stapled around the trim.

The sides are where I had a little bit of trouble, only because the space between the closet door and the side walls was so narrow that I couldn't lay my staple gun in there at a correct angle to get a flush staple. I took a picture of the angle of the stapler on the side sections. So, you'd only have this problem if you're upholstering a wall that is narrower than your staple gun is long. These sides are 4" wide.

I stapled the sides down at this angle and then it was time to cut the excess fabric. I wanted to try and complete the wall with no trim around it. Just a clean cut line. This is where I ran into my next little problem. I couldn't cut the fabric as easily as I had hoped. I used an xacto knife and thought it would be so easy but I think the issue goes back to the angle in which I had to staple. Because I couldn't staple straight up against the cut edge, the fabric pulled a bit.

I carefully cut down the sides and around the door then used a tiny screw driver to tuck extra little threads or edges back behind our trim.

I've seen this project done before, by masters I might add, and they completed their wall with trim around the edge. Since our little accent wall was so small I wanted to try and stay away from that. If you have a bigger space, it probably would be the easiest thing. This is where the sharpies came in.

I used an orange and black sharpie to make the staples disappear into the fabric. I think it worked out pretty well. You might think this looks a little unfinished but you would never notice them unless you walked right up to it and looked for them.

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