
Silk producers

Silk producers

Introduction to Spider Silk, the Product It has long been known that certain fibers produced in nature possess remarkable mechanical properties in terms of strength, resilience and flexibility. These protein based fibers, exemplified by spider silk, have been the subject of much interest due to spider silk’s incredible toughness. Because of its strength, resilience and flexibility…

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Golden silk Orbweaver

Golden silk Orbweaver

: | Kingdom: Metazoa ((=Animalia) multicellular animals) Phylum: Arthropoda (arthropods) Class: Arachnida (spiders, harvestmen, scorpions, mites, etc.) Order: Araneae (spiders) Family: Tetragnathidae (longjawed orbweavers) Genus: Species: Nephila clavipes Common Names: Golden Silk Orbweaver, Golden Silk Spider, Banana Spider, Calico Spider Click on each picture to display the…

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Source of silk fibres

Source of silk fibres

China Worker translating image onto drafting paper, silk jacquard factory near Hangzchou, textile deligation to China; 1984. Anne Wilson, photographer. Anne Wilson: Wind/Rewind/Weave Knoxville Museum of Art WORKING WEAVERS Log of sources 1 (4.29MB) Log of sources 2 (3.9MB) Log of sources 3 (3.55MB) These logs present a diversity of locations of working weavers from various…

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Silkworms Textiles

Silkworms Textiles

Hosted by Ock Pop Tok’s cofounders, Veomanee 
Duangdala & Joanna Smith. This is a 1.5 hour presentation illustrating the journey of a Lao textiles from the creation of silk to the weaving process and the meaning of motifs. With co-directors: 
Prices start from 2, 080, LAK ($260) per group (up to 10 people) Seminar Structure: Introduction to Ock Pop Tok & our…

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Difference between raw silk and pure silk

Difference between raw silk and pure silk

Raw is a filament silk from which the gum (one of the components of silk) has not yet been removed. Pure silk has had the gum removed. Characteristics of raw silk Raw is produced by a coarse spinning process; it is less even and slightly knobbed. Raw silk is quite a gummy, sticky substance, so before separating the filaments the cocoons must be softened by immersion in hot…

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Silk from Cocoon

Silk from Cocoon

This is a little photo-journal of the silk reeling process as I do it. I ve raised silkworms for three years now, and this is how you go about getting the cocoons turned into thread. *NOTE* - This has been a definite learning experience for me. This page shows my original method; I ve adopted some quicker and more efficient ways of doing things, which you can see here. This…

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Silk seda

Silk seda

The Silk Market Address: Plaza del Mercado, Valencia 46001. Itinerary: El Mercat Category: The Silk Market is the main monument of the city and a masterpiece of civil Gothic architecture. The building has been declared by UNESCO as part of Humanity s Heritage . Construction on the Lonja began in 1483, a project of renowned master builder Pere Compte. Its resemblance to old…

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Where was silk made?

Where was silk made?

Bad photo, but an amazing event. Yesterday I went to the Minas Basin for the migration of the semipalmated sandpipers – an annual highlight of my summers in Nova scotia. At first the beach looks completely covered in pebbles, but then, the keen observer notes that the pebbles are moving and the air is full of delicate cheeps. As the tide gradually creeps out (and it’s that…

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Woven silk

Woven silk

Chinese Northern Song dynasty early 12th century Attributed to Emperor Huizong (Chinese, 1082–1135, ruled 1100–1125), Inscribed by Emperor Zhangzong of the Jin dynasty (r. 1190–1208), Colophon by Zhang Shen (14th century), Label written by Gao Shiqi (Chinese, 1645–1704), Label written by Luo Wenbin (Chinese) Dimensions Overall: 37.7 x 466 cm (14 13/16 x 183 7/16 in.) Image:…

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Silk means

Silk means

Hi, friend! To understand the name “Scissortail SILK, ” I’ll have to start with a little about how this blog began. First, you need to know a few things. Here in Oklahoma, where I live with my husband, Jared, and our three children, Kolton (6), Kadence (5), and Jaxton (1), our state bird is the Scissor-tailed Flycatcher. (We call them Scissortails.) Often, you’ll see these…

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Silk in Chinese

Silk in Chinese

China is the birthplace of silk. Sericulture (the raising of silkworms for silk production) has a history of over 6, years. Legend has it that Lady Hsi-Lin-Shih (wife of the Yellow Emperor Huangdi) was having tea under a mulberry tree when a cocoon fell into her cup. As she watched, the cocoon spun a strong white thread. She unwound the strand onto her finger, realizing that…

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Making silk

Making silk

Legend of Silk Legend has it that the process for making silk cloth was first invented by the wife of the Yellow Emperor, Leizu, around the year 2696 BC. The idea for silk first came to Leizu while she was having tea in the imperial gardens. A cocoon fell into her tea and unraveled. She noticed that the cocoon was actually made from a long thread that was both strong and soft…

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